Medisoft Program Options

How to setup Program Options in Medisoft

01.  From the main menu, click FILE then PROGRAM OPTIONS.

02.  The GENERAL tab is the first to appear.  Here you can change settings related to backups, startup, calculations, and account alerts, among others.  For more information on each item, press F1 on your keyboard, then select the GENERAL tab.

03.  Next is the DATA ENTRY tab.

04.  On the data entry tab, you can make changes to how the program functions in general, when entering new patients, when entering transactions, in regards in electronic remittance, and the work administrator.  For more information on options on this tab, press F1 on your keyboard then select DATA ENTRY.

05.  Next is the PAYMENT APPLICATION tab.

06.  On this tab you can make changes to how the program reacts to payment entry and application.  You can also setup default payment and co-payment codes, as well as the default small balance write off code and max amount.  For more information on any of these options, press F1 on your keyboard then select PAYMENT APPLICATION.

07.  Next is the AGING REPORTS tab.

08.  On this tab, you can specify whether patient aging starts with the TRANSACTION DATE FROM, or the DATE OF FIRST STATEMENT.  You can also change the aging buckets for both patients and insurance response balances from the defaults of 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, and 121-121+ to your own values.

09.  Next is the HIPAA/ICD 10 tab.

10.  There are 2 options on this tab, AUTO LOG OFF which automatically logs a user out of Medisoft after the specified amount of time being in-active.  The other option warns users when a CPT or ICD code that in not approved is being used.  Note, when entering a CPT or ICD code, you can specify whether it is approved or not.  Additionally, there is the ICD 10 settings which allows you to choose either ICD-9 or ICD-10 for your diagnosis codes.

11.  Next is the COLOR-CODING tab.

12.  On this tab can specify color-coding for various payment states, and create user-defined patient flags.

13.  Next is the BILLING tab.

14.  On this tab you can adjust settings related to patient statements, billing notes, and quick formats.  For more information on specific items, press F1 on your keyboard then select BILLING.

15.  Next is the AUDIT tab.

16.  Here you can specify what changes, made by users, the program will track and record.  You can then print reports based off this information.  Note, changes start tracking when this is enabled, it is not retro-active.

17.  Last is the BILLFLASH tab.

18.  This tab is only used if you use BillFlash for patient statements and / or payment processing.  For more information on this please call our sales team at 866-372-3616.

19.  When finished making changes to these tabs click SAVE.  Note, you can make changes on all tabs, then SAVE, you do not have to save after each tab.

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